Friday, July 31, 2009

New Beginnings

I've been reading blogs for a while now and today something just came over me and I decided I would start one. Why? I have no idea. It's not like I have nothing else to do......laundry, dishes, clean out the closets, exercise, try to make children get along, etc. The list is endless as I'm sure yours is as well. I guess I just thought I'd try something new, be adventurous. That is so not me. Let me introduce you to the family.

I'm a married, stay at home mother of two who is going back to the workforce this fall. My oldest is 8(almost 9 as she reminds me daily) and my youngest is 5. She is starting kindergarten in August. I hope I do better with that than I did when she started preschool last fall. She and I did not handle that adjustment very well. She was only going 3 days a week, but that was too much for us. So we decided she would go everyday until lunch. That way we could still have our alone time together. Yes, I know. We are a little attached. But I've been at home with her since she was 5 months old. We're trying to cut the cord a little. I promise.

They are both going to a new school this year. They have been attending a very small private Catholic school. No, we're not Catholic. Baptist actually, but I taught there for 7 years and it's a great school. We have very good public schools in our area. That is not why we chose a private education. I just couldn't stand for my baby to go to those BIG schools. Ok. They aren't huge, just too big for my baby. Also, my girls were taught biblical principles daily, which I loved.

But this year we are making the transition to the public school system. In our current economic condition(along with the rest of the country), we can no longer afford to educate both our children at a private school. I think we are ready for it.

Fashion Queen (9) can't wait to wear "real" clothes to school. She has worn navy and white uniforms since kindergarten. Drama Queen (5) is just excited...they have a HUGE playground.

Me? I have a degree in early childhood/elementary education. I taught for 7 years at a private school and LOVED it. We decided I would stay home after DQ was born. I LOVED that even more, but now my "baby" is starting school and so must I. I plan to substitute in their district.

Also, I found out today that I have an interview for a preschool aide position. That would be great! Please pray that I get it. We need the income.

Last, there's my husband. He works very hard at our business over an hour away. He travels over two hours daily. YUCK! He loves our girls and me fiercely, loves to fish, and play Game Cube with DQ and FQ. What more could a woman want?

I'm gonna wrap up now. I had no idea I had this much to say. Who knew?

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!! Especially the part about Keith loving you "fiercely". Is that really what it's called?? Just kiddin. Anyway, keep it up, think Ill add this site to my favorites. Oh, and I, for one could've told you that you had "that much" to say. :-)
